a Switcher... (story after the switch!)

i thought he was making a prety good case for being picked on by mac zealots until he said:
It’s a Windows world. Get used to it.
at which point i stopped reading.

it may be a windows world, but that is no reason to "get used to it". i join the flamers and say this guy is a loser. an idiot coding god loser. :rolleyes:
oh, and apparently a rich idiot coding god loser :mad:
And windows error messages are so informative too :) That has to be one of the stupidiest complaints from a windows user, that an OS has bad error messages, windows is known for cryptic error messages, where the only chance you have of figuring it out is going to technet to do a search. If you've ever had to admin exchange, you'll know _exactly_ what I'm talking about.

Some people aren't happy unless they are unhappy and complaining. The same user probably would post the same article, but replace OS X with XP if he switched the other direction. Let whiners whine, the key is to know when it's just a whiner. I never pay any attention to any article that only blasts something. There are good things in any OS, if you leave them out, you're just taking out a grudge in your article, and everyone will see that, except for other people who have a grudge and will pipe in with "yeah, me too".

Guess it goes back to the old saying our parents (atleast mine) used to always say "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all"

but error 5204 means F**K all 2 me! Its GUESS work based upon the process you was conducting when it appeared... i am sorry, Windows may have some poor english in the messages, but at least it gives some idea. 5204 or 15 or wat'ev means NOTHING to the average user.
You have no idea how many error messages I run into on a regular basis i windows that is just a number. Hell, half the time they are hex numbers.

Yea, i understand what you're saying, but thats your job, i am talking regualr users, who maybe don't have that much Computer knowledge. the simple end user. Y'know?! This is one of less than a handful of complaints with X, i am no hater! :D

Anyone remember Error 11 in System 7.5 (up until 7.6.1 I believe)? It was a ... memory error, I believe. Happened only on PowerPC hardware. Happened often. Took your whole machine down. With all the work, too. :)

Neyo: I have many callers a day when I do network support for the ISP I'm working for who say things like: "Outlook has an error of 0008X..." Those are quite 'normal' users. Can't Outlook just say that it hasn't found the 'Outgoing Mailserver (SMTP)' and that 'you can verify your outgoing mailserver _here_'? It would save the customers money and our support people's nerves...

On the front, they (MS) do all these nice little wizards that - for some users - are helpful. But as soon as the first setup is done, it's cryptic messages again. I think all operating systems are trying nowadays to cover the technical level of the system with informative error messages. Some aren't covered yet. Apple does a better job here, I think.
well, my beef is only with Finder Errors really, i cannot think of any cryptic messages outside the Finder! ..which is a good thing!

I see what you're saying about Outlook, although i personnally cannot think of any instance on windows i have found cryptic messages like that. But i can vouch for the fact many of the written ones could be in better english, sometimes you need to re-read them a few times.


Edit... i suppose the BSOD's on XP are cryptic, but besides that, hmmm... i have found a lot more with the finder... Namely File Transfer via SMB, and (i can't remember the others!) ...in future, i am going to ask you guys what they mean!

(the only way, like i mentioned to get around the most frequent one, seems to be kill and reload the Finder, whiich inadvertently kinda "refreshes" the finder, and allows me to reconnect to my Windows Shares!
Yes that's a strange one... Then again, MS doesn't seem to especially _like_ other systems accessing their shares... Samba has come a long way and still can't do everything. Apple's own implementation has been done with contact to Microsoft, but although it's much better (and easily integrated) it's still a bit buggy. Guess we'll see an update in 10.3 next year.
I mean, the Finder is basically the most important application in OS X. Yet, Apple used Carbon, not Cocoa, they ruined the spatial system we had before with a poorly-done cross between the Windows and Mac style, and they had the chance to make better error messages (they are reknowned for great interface) but they didn't. Maybe you didn't know that they patched the toolbar interface into the Finder as a copy of the Cocoa version (that's why there are inconsistencies between Cocoa app toolbars and the Finders). Also, if I remember right, the Finder used to display the desktop background for no real reason, so if you wanted to use SNAX (a pretty decent cocoa finder replacement) and keep a desktop bg it was impossible (but this is fixed with 10.2 fortunately). Oh yeah, and that 1 second delay for the Get Info box on files/folders? Why such a delay? Even on this dual 1GHz i'm using right now, there is a delay.

I couldn't figure out why I disliked the OS X Finder so much until I read some articles about it recently. Try arstechnica's OS X 10.0 and 10.1 reviews as well as that more recent article (hrm. have to find the URL) to read up on it. I really hope OS 10.5's cocoa Finder interface will be better...

Anyone agree? I wish Apple would either go back to the spatial 9 Finder completely, or develop a completely new Finder with a better, more logical interface.
And on a related note, why is Aqua so messed up (i guess the word is single-task based)? For example, if you do a slow motion minimize of a window in IE, you can't click a menu or another window in IE until the window is finished minimizing. Or if you hit Cmd-Q and a drawer opens to ask you to save changes, you can't just hit Esc and the doc will instantly go. You have to wait for the drawer to finish opening, then the button Esc will correspond to Cancel, and then the drawer will go back up...too much time is wasted for power users.
I agree that Apple should replace the Finder with a better Cocoa version. I don't believe they're going to write a new one based on OS 9 _without_ the benefits that derived from OpenStep, though (not from Windows...).

The delay in the get info box stems from 'getting info'. The Finder can't (and SHOULDN'T) keep a database of every possible folder information at all times. So it has to compute the size, for example.

The 'messed up' Aqua stems from the fact that not all and everything is multithreaded. And in some cases it would make things worse. Creating threads for each and every bit of the UI would use too much memory in the end.

And although I see reasons and room for improvements that'll certainly be in 10.3 already, I really do hope that Apple takes its time to take what they've got (Newton technology, OS 9 technology, OS X technology) and create _the_ Aqua experience.

On the way, they can give the users a choice to turn off all transparency effects. Let _us_ decide what's good and what's not. At least to some extent...
Originally posted by fryke

On the way, they can give the users a choice to turn off all transparency effects. Let _us_ decide what's good and what's not. At least to some extent...

*amen* my poor iBook really doens't like all those effects too much! :(, maybe a DP 1GHz does, but my baby G3 500MHz?! :(
that's more about the graphics chip, though... i actually think an iBook with a 700 or 800 MHz processor and a really potent ATi 9xxx Mobility chip would be a very decent mobile machine.
Originally posted by fryke
that's more about the graphics chip, though... i actually think an iBook with a 700 or 800 MHz processor and a really potent ATi 9xxx Mobility chip would be a very decent mobile machine.
That is not trying to get to the roots of the problem, that is trying to cure the symptoms. There should be a option to disable some of the iCandy.

Windows XP also is slower than Win 2000, but you can turn of some of the stuff.

For the guy this thread is about:
I see it this way: Just like he said he posted some things about the Mac that he didn't like. Some people (like me) tend to overreact a little when they have a problem with their OS, so maybe he wrote a bit harsh.
Some of us Mac users hadn't anything better to do than flame him and write emails insulting him, cause hey, he kinda insulted their deity.

Then, the post he made that has been linked above is the result of these flames.

So, we Mac users will turn him into a true Mac hater in some time.

Outlook error messages:
As far as I know, Outlook tells you in the errormessage that it couldn't find the server AND gives away the error code. Maybe this is not the case for an old version of Outlook, but hey, an old version of Mac OS always gave me unsuspected error number 2 or 3. Wow. (How stupid is that? "Unsuspected error" What are they trying to tell me? Never heard of something like "Suspected error")
So, we Mac users will turn him into a true Mac hater in some time.
guys like this deserve a windows world. let him go back. the mac community will have lost nothing.

but i'm guessing that the rest of his family, who could care less about error codes and such, would flame him for it. :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
guys like this deserve a windows world. let him go back. the mac community will have lost nothing.
I'm not so sure about that.
All I'm wondering is why Mac users even try to insult a person who finds drawbacks to his Mac and considers returning to the PC. What's the point?

I will be the first to say that there are a ton of drawbacks to having a Mac, most of which are related to performance. The poor library of games, the slow browsers, the high requirement of RAM... these aren't advantages to using a Mac.

I am simply hoping that most Mac users are like me and choose the platform not because it is faster or snappier but because it is essentially better. Maybe most people won't feel this way, but whenever I use a PC, I have no choice but to browse around a couple of tech sites to find out if Microsoft admitted to yet another security flaw, or whether a new virus had come out, or whether a recent MS release caused wider-scale problems (like SP1 caused disastrous problems to Outlook). With a Mac, I know everything is slower. I know the hardware is very expensive, I know that bMac (store) downtown is selling the ATI Radeon 7000 as the most recent video card for Mac when the PC is up to 9700 Pro. I know that I am essentially paying more for less performance-wise. What I AM getting though is a platform where dragging icons to a Trash can actually deletes a program from the system, I get an operating system where security flaws are few and far between, an operating system that just feels smooth, feels like it was directly made for my hardware and not just something that runs with my hardware.

My point is, don't insult the PC users considering a return to that platform. They'll get their speed and performance since that's what they value the most. Whoever treasures a computer that just works will remain with Mac or move TO Mac.
I really don't think people should switch unless they discover the platform on their own. I've tried many platforms and to date I have never felt any need to go to the users of those platforms and tell them how bad I thought it was. What would be the point? If you like Windows, use Windows. If you like Macs, use Macs. If you like DOS, use DOS.

Switching and then ranting is the worse thing I've heard of. I don't tell my Windows clients what I think of their systems when fixing them. They don't need to hear my rant. They want to use Windows so that is what I help them use. When they ask what I use at home I tell them, but beyond that I don't push any platform. People get use to things one way and think it should be that way every where, and switching to another platform and then ranting that the new platform is not as good as the old one just shows that they really shouldn't have switch to begin with.

Most of all, if someone is not happy with the platform they have switch to, move on or move back. Throwing a tantrum is anything but productive for anyone. Honestly the life story of a switcher should be a single line. They switched and liked it, they switched and didn't like it and move to another platform, or they switched and didn't like it and move back to their original platform. It is just pointless ranting to the people who are just happy users of the platform (unless you are trying to share your misery with others via public spectacle).

I don't understand people chasing greener grass and then ranting when it is just green when they get to the other side. Find what works for you, and stick to it. Other than Windows, there isn’t any other platform people are being forced to use, so quitely find your place in the computing world and sit down.
Originally posted by RacerX

I don't understand people chasing greener grass and then ranting when it is just green when they get to the other side. Find what works for you, and stick to it. Other than Windows, there isn’t any other platform people are being forced to use, so quitely find your place in the computing world and sit down.
So why are we here in this forum?
I think it is okay when someone states his experiences with the new platform. That is all he did. He didn't come to a Mac place to rub peoples noses, he did it on his own Website.