AARGH...Geforce2 keeping me in 10.1.2


I use a "pc" Geforce2MX400 card on my G4(AGP). Never though it would be a good idea, but it worked great, both in 9.2 and X. So I saved a buck and all was swell. But that dream ended in 10.1.3+ (resolution stuck at 1024x max, with only 75hz available).

So does anyone know if Jaguar might be any different? I have heard about using old drivers (Geforce files from 10.1.2) in newer versions of the OS, but I have tried this, and 10.1.3+ wont accept the old files. Maybe I'm not doing it right.

Help highly appreciated
Well I don't know if I can help you with your problem. I did solve mine for $149.00. Purchased the new ATI 9000 AGP 64 mb ddr, I have no need for the 9700 (128mb ddr). The 9000 is supposed to support apples new Quartz engine <grin> but you all know how that goes. Card will ship Mon 8-5. I bought it direct from ATI as there was a two month waiting list at Mac Mall, same price as direct.

G4-400 AGP 1.5 gigs ram.
2 40 gig ata.
2 18 gig Lvd these are all internal.
240 gig raid LVD off external connector.
ATI pro 16mb
