About DVD Studio Pro


Im thinking on buying DVD Studio PRO 3.0 but currently i have a powerbook g4 without DVD Burner, can i export my project into a file or files that can be burned on a PC.

You can export to a disk image (.img). If you can get that to work on the PC, I'd think you'd be OK. Of course, you'll need to get that .img to the PC in the first place. Presumably you could network it over?

Or you get an external firewire DVD burner. Pretty cheap these days.
Exactly like Mindbend said, you can export your project into an image file. Now if you can't get the .img file to work on your PC, the solution is very simple. Open up the image file on your Mac, then drag over the VIDEO_TS folder to your PC, put it in its place and there we go.