About G4 processors

Originally posted by vic
i don't know soldering, but do have extreeme skill at burning small mooving ants with a magnifying glass...that outh to be a tranferable skill... :)

Haha :D
Uhm, well, get two soldering irons, and start training on an old, preferably defect motherboard or somehing, and maybe you're skilled enough in a few weeks to solder on your daughtercard :p
you know what? thanks for the advice, but i think i'll waith till i have another mac... just in case...
Originally posted by vic
you know what? thanks for the advice, but i think i'll waith till i have another mac... just in case...

That's a good idea ;)
You could, if you're willing to send our CPU card to a mad norwegian, send it to me. I could try to modify the resistor settings and test the module in my own Mac to reach the highest stable frequency, for then to send it back. It isn't risk-less, though ;)
postal office worker: Hmmm... whatzz tsizz?? A coolz computersszz componnetzzz. Maybez it worketz in meee PCz!

---never mind. I should know better than to drink beer outside of Hervés bar and Grill!!!