echo $row['what_tha'];
( I did not want to continue on the previous thread )
I have a major concern that has a large part to do with Web Browser quality and speed in OS X.
As an IS during the day and Mac Loving Addict at night... I do try to find ways to use Macs in the work place... Of every mac that has been placed in the work enviroment... all complain currently about the following top 3 things:
1) Internet Explorer Has Quit
2) Page loads but there is White space that a quick resizing of the window seems to cure...
3) Loading pages from the intranet that are large and long "tables" displaying data... Takes much longer and scrolling is much slower compared to the "Celeron 733mhz system they were using before"
I have asked some to try using other browsers such as Omniweb and Netscape, but those seem to be worse about quiting and scroll speed with pages containing large tables of data.
There has been enough complaints about this.. That I have been asked to replace the iMacs with cheap $599 systems... Of which "For Web Browsing Purpose" I admit to being better because the windows version of IE is pretty rock solid and displays much faster than the Mac version...
So what can I do... I work on and maintain our 100+ systems out there with me using my little powerbook... and There is a difference and it's very.. well.. you can see a difference in "Browser happiness" ...
Another observation of mine... of late... I bought my girlfriend one of those new 14" iBooks... Having never used a mac before.. she first commented on how nicer looking and neat the Mac OS X was.. but all she complains about.. is "Why does IE quit everytime I visit this site? ... It loads fine on my PC!".. and "Why in the world does IE just Quit out of the blue............ This thing sucks..." ....
She is nothing but an iTunes and WebSurfing user... with the main thing being a WebSurfer... she as asked me to get her a PC... she's frustrated...
So what can I do... ??
I understand things.... and to be honest... most of these things do not bother me.. But I realize now-a-days... not everyone is as calm and "Oh-Well" about things as I am... She looks at her iBook as being a useless pain in her but because the "Best?" web browser currently around is crapy put against what she was use to using, and her experience with surfing using the Windows IE 5.5....
This is not a letter to apple directly... I just want to vent here because.. hey... I've e-mailed support@microsoft.com many of times about the mac version of IE .. humm... (23 letters in my sent-items folder) and have never recived a responce other than "Automatic responce letter"........ so I do beleive as I have known others to have sent their opinion to microsoft... that Microsoft just dosn't give enough of a "%$*m" about their mac version... Perhaps they do.. perhaps not... but the only developers out there that I see working hard as they can to produce a great product is from the OmniGroup... it's not there yet .. but by gosh you see them trying and responding to their customers...
So perhaps if Apple does read these message boards.... Put pressure in some fashion on Microsoft.... Buy or "Covertly" help OmniGroup make OmniWeb a direct "same level" of web-browser that the Win IE 5.x-6 browser is... Do something.. because if the i in all the iMacs and iBook is for internet ... it's a joke with the Web Browsers...
I have a major concern that has a large part to do with Web Browser quality and speed in OS X.
As an IS during the day and Mac Loving Addict at night... I do try to find ways to use Macs in the work place... Of every mac that has been placed in the work enviroment... all complain currently about the following top 3 things:
1) Internet Explorer Has Quit
2) Page loads but there is White space that a quick resizing of the window seems to cure...
3) Loading pages from the intranet that are large and long "tables" displaying data... Takes much longer and scrolling is much slower compared to the "Celeron 733mhz system they were using before"
I have asked some to try using other browsers such as Omniweb and Netscape, but those seem to be worse about quiting and scroll speed with pages containing large tables of data.
There has been enough complaints about this.. That I have been asked to replace the iMacs with cheap $599 systems... Of which "For Web Browsing Purpose" I admit to being better because the windows version of IE is pretty rock solid and displays much faster than the Mac version...
So what can I do... I work on and maintain our 100+ systems out there with me using my little powerbook... and There is a difference and it's very.. well.. you can see a difference in "Browser happiness" ...
Another observation of mine... of late... I bought my girlfriend one of those new 14" iBooks... Having never used a mac before.. she first commented on how nicer looking and neat the Mac OS X was.. but all she complains about.. is "Why does IE quit everytime I visit this site? ... It loads fine on my PC!".. and "Why in the world does IE just Quit out of the blue............ This thing sucks..." ....
She is nothing but an iTunes and WebSurfing user... with the main thing being a WebSurfer... she as asked me to get her a PC... she's frustrated...
So what can I do... ??
I understand things.... and to be honest... most of these things do not bother me.. But I realize now-a-days... not everyone is as calm and "Oh-Well" about things as I am... She looks at her iBook as being a useless pain in her but because the "Best?" web browser currently around is crapy put against what she was use to using, and her experience with surfing using the Windows IE 5.5....
This is not a letter to apple directly... I just want to vent here because.. hey... I've e-mailed support@microsoft.com many of times about the mac version of IE .. humm... (23 letters in my sent-items folder) and have never recived a responce other than "Automatic responce letter"........ so I do beleive as I have known others to have sent their opinion to microsoft... that Microsoft just dosn't give enough of a "%$*m" about their mac version... Perhaps they do.. perhaps not... but the only developers out there that I see working hard as they can to produce a great product is from the OmniGroup... it's not there yet .. but by gosh you see them trying and responding to their customers...
So perhaps if Apple does read these message boards.... Put pressure in some fashion on Microsoft.... Buy or "Covertly" help OmniGroup make OmniWeb a direct "same level" of web-browser that the Win IE 5.x-6 browser is... Do something.. because if the i in all the iMacs and iBook is for internet ... it's a joke with the Web Browsers...