T tenderfoot Registered Sep 17, 2005 #1 Is it possible for me to contact a member who previously had this problem to see if they worked out a solution?
Is it possible for me to contact a member who previously had this problem to see if they worked out a solution?
M mw84 Registered Sep 17, 2005 #2 What problem? You can leave other members a PM, click on their user id.
fryke Moderator Staff member Mod Sep 17, 2005 #4 Well: Search for the problem in the forums (these ain't blogs, btw.) and if you find a thread about it post to that thread with your question. If you don't find anything related, create a new thread about it in the correct forum.
Well: Search for the problem in the forums (these ain't blogs, btw.) and if you find a thread about it post to that thread with your question. If you don't find anything related, create a new thread about it in the correct forum.
bobw The Late: SuperMacMod Sep 17, 2005 #5 I think he means he wants to contact someone that posted a question on the Free Suppot site. Can't do that unless they put their email address in their question.
I think he means he wants to contact someone that posted a question on the Free Suppot site. Can't do that unless they put their email address in their question.
fryke Moderator Staff member Mod Sep 17, 2005 #6 Well, yes, but to find out a solution to the problem, the forum might still help.