

Eyebrow Moderator
My G4 wont turn on! :eek:

Per usual, I left the bugger sleeping today, I come back home and its off, so I figure someone turned it off. Then I press the power button, and the light turns on when pressed but absolutely nothing happens, and the light goes away when unpressed...

help :(
looks like we had a power outage about 3 hours ago, so basically power was cut from the computer while it was sleeping.. probably a surge :(

any ideas?
I saw something about this before... open up the machine and push the PSU reset button. It's a little red, white or black button, probably near the battery.
havent tried it :) still waiting on more info, its pretty important that things dont get screwed up
If your system is still not coming on, then remove the battery. I would suggest testing the battery (should be more than 3 volts - a fresh battery will be about 3.6 volts) If you've had your system for a couple of years, it won't hurt to replace with a fresh battery. Now press the little button near the battery. Your system is now reset! Reinstall the battery (watch the +/- polarity). Now press the reset button again once only for no more than 1/2 second. Don't press the button again. Try to start your system. If still nogo, make sure nothing external is attached (except display, keyboard and mouse, no external hubs or other devices). If you still have no go, time for service!! If it does work now, reset your time & date now, and move on. :)
i guess i'll try all this when i get home today o_O

hopefully its not a fried power supply or anything.
If the power supply were fried, you wouldn't even get a light when you pushed the power button.

I read a post just like this after the East Coast Blackouts, I think it was Karavite. He had the exact same symptoms, and the solution was to push the PSU button.
oh another question...

when doing the button thing, should i have everything unplugged from the g4? and then just plug in basics and start it?
ok its up an running now :)

sorry if i seemed a bit timid, ive done this before in a mac lab i ran, but this machine i need to be careful with seeing how it has all my work and photography on it =-o

*invests in firewire drive*
Heh... rest assured (in a way) that you can always recover your data if something happens to your computer. :rolleyes:
hah, i had an old pc that got fried (including hd) due to a power surge, so dont roll your eyes at me mister ;) :p

in any case, thanks :)
What, you didn't send it to Drivesavers? If I had important data that got lost in the shuffle like that, I would have gotten it recovered.

But I'm glad your computer's working now.
hell at that time i was just playing with windows 3.1 and HS term papers, so I didnt care :D

(btw lighten up ;))

and thanks again :)
I'm not trying to be harsh... I'm just saying what I would have done, and wondering why you didn't.

In any case, the La Cie drive seems to be working again! I plugged it in, and it spun up like it's supposed to. For a long time, it wasn't spinning up; we should get it replaced, though SCSI is expensive. (I know, a bit off-topic...)