ADC Seed 7B39!

Originally posted by Go3iverson
Guitar Tab channel of Sherlock doesn't crash when selecting your second song.


There's a "Guitar Tab" Sherlock channel?!?... WOOHOO! Hell yeah! Dude! *does little happy dance*

Stardom, here I come! :D :D :D
Does File Vault work?

That's a good question!

Being that it's Beta, I'm kinda afraid to lock up my files and find out! ;)
Originally posted by Go3iverson
Does File Vault work?

That's a good question!

Being that it's Beta, I'm kinda afraid to lock up my files and find out! ;)

Same here. I would hate to turn it on and the next morning find that all of my stuff wont open because FileVault doesn't work right. Mu guess is Apple did a lot of internal testing of it (hence the delay), but still. Here's hoping that 1) XCode is less buggy, 2) Wacom drivers work (hasn't since WWDC for me), and 3) Kung-Tunes works (AppleScript errors) oh and 4) Toast.
Does the Address Book work with Bluetooth?

Does the Address Book work with Bluetooth?

As it keeps on quitting out under 7B21 & 7B28.


Yes it does... I cant seem to be able to place the bluetooth symbol on the menu bar but other than that the address book - bluetooth works perfectly fine with my T610 and 12" PB
I just noticed the new "About This Mac" window. Very cool:


The "More Info..." button, as always, open Apple System Profiler. The "Software Update..." does just that, without even opening System Prefs. Its these little UI improvements that make the system great (ok, not really, but its a big plus in my book)!
File Vault works for me... I haven't use it much so far... and I think you'll loose a lot when you enable it... so have a fresh back-up ready...

Then, it is all working great! But you have to set up all the things, like a new user...

Have fun.. I'm having a lot! :)
Is anyone that is using 39 having trouble with airport? I can't get it to work. It fnids the network, but says it doesn't have an IP. I've had no problems with any previous versions.
I suggest to anyone who is having troubles with this new seed, to boot into os 10.2 and run a permissions repair. The disk utility seems to be broken in 7B39 (even the one off the cd) and the 10.2 disk utility took about an hour and a half to go through all the files that had faulty permissions.
Permission repair seems to work for me, but didn't fix anything. This is however the least stable, and the least working copy so far for me. Fresh install. Airport doesn't work, force-quit doesn't work, finder restarts randomly. I tried File Vault and it encrypted my files (took around an hour). I then turned it off (took like 1 second) and it erased my entire home directory, which I luckily had backed up.

I'm not complaining, it's obviously a beta, but I was hoping for more stability, and more features working, not less. So far this is the only version released that I can't really use on a daily basis. Oh well.