Adding image in a tableview


I am desperatly trying to add an image to a tableview, but everything displays, except the image. Here is my code:

NSImageCell *dataCell;
NSTableColumn *column;

dataCell = [[NSImageCell alloc]initImageCell:[NSImage imageNamed:mad:"test.tiff"]];

column = [myTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:mad:"Image"];
[dataCell setImageAlignment:NSImageAlignCenter];
[dataCell setImageScaling:NSScaleNone];
[dataCell setImageFrameStyle:NSImageFramePhoto];

[column setDataCell:dataCell];

What am i doing wrong. The border etc. displays fine, except for the image???

PS: The datacell contains the image, because i tried to draw it in a NSImageView with succes.

If your image is in your App's bundle, you'll have to load it from there using NSBundle 's function pathForResource: ofType:
- (NSString *)pathForResource: (NSString *)name ofType: (NSString *)extension
Returns the full pathname for the resource identified by name with the specified file extension. If the extension argument is nil or an empty string (@""), the resource sought is identified by name, with no extension. The method first looks for a nonlocalized resource in the immediate bundle directory; if the resource is not there, it looks for the resource in the language-specific ".lproj" directory (the local language is determined by user defaults).

The following code fragment gets the path to a localized sound, creates an NSSound instance from it, and plays the sound.

NSString *soundPath;
NSSound *thisSound;
NSBundle *thisBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
if (soundPath = [thisBundle pathForResource:@"Hello" ofType:@"snd"]) {
    thisSound = [[[NSSound alloc] initFromSoundfile:soundPath] autorelease];
    [thisSound play];

have fun.
cbaron: That is not the problem at hand. +imageNamed: searches for the image using NSBundle. Like he said, the image displays fine in an NSImageView.

BTW, there are also -pathForImageResource: and -pathForSoundResource: which can locate an image or sound resource. With these methods, you do not need to specify "jpg" or "snd" - they locate a file with any recognized image or sound extension. +imageNamed: will also search for a file with any known image extension if you do not provide one.

In the case of an NSTableView, you cannot specify a default image for cells in a particular column. You must return that image in your -tableView:eek:bjectValueForColumn:row: data source method. It should be something like this:

- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row;
    if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"Image"])
        //find correct image for this row maybe?
        return [NSImage imageNamed:@"test.tiff"];
    //else return object for other columns/rows