Adding to CLASSPATH on Snow Leopard


I need to add some jar's to the classpath on Mac OS X Snow Leopard to set up Xalan and Xerces (I'm working with XSLT). This is very easy on the PC, but I am completely lost on this Macbook. I want the variable set permanently and I don't want to overwrite anything currently in CLASSPATH. Id the CLASSPATH set with anything in it already? Is there a config file in the Java folders that I edit to change it or something? Thanks, your help is quite appreciated!
If you are using Java from Terminal, you might like to edit .profile file on you home directory (or .zprofile, if your shell is zsh like I have) and add line

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/location/of/xalan.jar:/location/of/xerces.jar

to it.