Does anyone know how to stop Acrobat from auto launching when you download a .pdf file?
I am ftping .pdf files (using fetch) quite a bit and am getting sick of acrobat launching when I ftp a bunch of pdf's onto my desktop.
That only takes care of part of the problem. If I change all of the pdf to open with Preview, then I still have the following issue:
If I ftp (using a graphical ftp tool) a folder of 50 pdf's to my computer, Preview (or acrobat) will open each and every one of those darn pdf's.
I'm trying to stop acrobat or Preview from auto-opening all of the pdf's that I download.
1. Open Fetch
2. Select "Post-processing..." from the "Customize" menu.
3. Find the File Type "Portable Document Format" -- click once on it -- and click "Disable." That way it sticks around in case you ever want it back.
4. Click "OK"