Adobe applications no longer open!

Seb Jenkins

Just the other day, both my Adobe PhotoShop 7.0.1 and Acrobat 6 Professional stopped opening.

Firstly, Acrobat 6 Pro just bounces in the dock a few times and then stops. Never actually opens.

PhotoShop 7.0.1 splash screen opens and its shows the plug-ins etc loading and then it suddenly closes and you get an error. Something about EXCEPTION: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
CODES: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Both these applications worked fine before for several months.

I logged in as a different user but the problem was still there.

I started up in Safe Boot so that disk directory check could run. Also ran disk permission check/repair etc. I have reinstalled both applications and also updated from 10.3.9 to Tiger but none of these have resolved the problem. Everything else on the machine works fine, only these 2 Adobe apps. I don't know if its conincidence that they are both Adobe apps that aren't working....
This seems to be happening to lot of people at the moment, i have tried every disk utility going to no avail.

It has been suggested in another post by someone on this forum to make sure the timezone is correct-this worked for them so will let you know.
The time zone bug affects only folks in the UK or in that time zone, and it only prevents Photoshop and other applications from launching. It does not cause crashes.

What does the rest of the crash log say? You may have font problems.
thats a strange suggestion but I appreciate the suggestion! I'm not ruling anything out at this stage !

It has also been suggested to me that it could be a font issue espacially seeing as PhotoShop quits out on startup when it status is 'reading fonts'.

I will try clearing out the font cache files using Font Finagler and post back the results.
bobw said:
The time zone bug affects only folks in the UK or in that time zone, and it only prevents Photoshop and other applications from launching. It does not cause crashes.

What does the rest of the crash log say? You may have font problems.

the beahavious you describe matches that of my 2 applications that won't open.
Acrobat bounces in the dock and doesn't ever open and PhotoShop tries to load vut quits out before it has finished loading. There are no crashes whilst using them as neither of them open at all !
Try deleting your user account and creating a new one.

I had exactly the same problem when trying to get the Adobe software to run on a school B&W G3 running OS X. The program started up fine when the user account was set to "administrator", but wouldn't start up when the user account was set to "student". Naturally I thought that I made the "student" user restrictions a little too strict, but even when I gave the "student" user account full administrative abilitys, the Adobe software still wouldn't start up. Doing a clean re-install of the Adobe software didn't help either. Eventually I tried deleting the entire "student" account and creating a new one. Now the Adobe software starts up every time in both user accounts.

Good luck! :D
I'm real sorry, "bobw" is right. (insert embarressed "smilie" here). One DOES need to back up all the important files, emails, book marks, ect. first.

You might want to play it safe and LEAVE YOUR FIRST ACCOUNT ALONE and create a second "test" account and see if the Adobe software works on that account. If the Adobe software does work on the second account, well, that means something's wrong with your first account (it got corrupted or something) and so you'll have to back everything up and then create a new permanent account.
I checked the timezone as was suggested and made sure it was set to london(i am in the uk) and adobe products are now working-how ridiculous is that!