Adobe Creative Suite 2

The Stock Photo and bridge are nice apps, i would just get those two, i am happy with CS, and i know where everything is and all my menus are set up the way i like, and don't feel like rebuilding lol.

when is the release date for CS2 anywaY?
Looks solid, but not a must-have for me at this point.

Normally, I upgrade all software immediately just as a matter of principle, but this online activation thing is really annoying me. I'll hold out for a while on this one.

I dumped CuBase for Logic just because of the dongle (plus I want to be as Apple-only as I can be).

Unfortunately, Adobe has me in a headlock, so it's just a matter of time. It's not like I can really switch to another suite of comparable apps (Quark is dead to me, Macromedia only gets you part way there and everything else are fringe players).

I read somewhere that one CS license allows for use on two machines. Does anyone know if those two machines an be ANY two machines or is it a desktop and laptop type thing?
CS2 is going to require a "Activation Key" and can only be installed on 2 machines - any two machines - But ONLY mac. Not one mac and one PC :-(

You will be able to "Uninstall" and aquire a permission to install on a NEW machine - but there are a few hoops that you must jump through.

And the app will of course check with the mother ship every time it starts up - if you are on an always on connection to verify itself with Adobe and check for updates and such.

They are really trying to stop the pirate ships with this version. :-)
Not on the Mac, though, gerbick.

I intend to stay with CS 1 for the time being. In the past, those new versions of InDesign proved to be quite non-capable of interacting with older versions. And if my printing service bureaus don't upgrade... *sigh* ... Well: I hope Adobe still updates CS 1. Some bugs with Tiger, sadly.
I'm looking forward to playing with the new toys, and as per usual I suspect that Adobe will deliver even more than they advertise. Each of the tools in the existing suite are great, and for the most part market leaders. But for me, the best thing about CS, is the extra workflow benefits that are gained from using a suite of tools that are designed to play well with one another. I'm sure that the new versions bells and whistles are only half the story.... the real joy and advantages are being able to consistently use native formats such as .ai and .psd across all of the applications.

I imagine, or at least with any luck, this will end Quark's hold on the remainder of the print industry.... the one's who haven't yet had the foresight to leave old redundant tools behind.

I would hope that Adobe have re-introduced some help with dynamic site construction in GoLive, but at first glance this seems not to be the case.... shame!
Looking at the "Bridge" screenshots on Adobe's site: Doesn't that look just like iTunes'/iPhoto's interface? Can Apple sue them? ;)
Yes, but it also looks like the PS file browser, in which case maybe Adobe should sue Apple =)..... let's see if we can get 'em into a court room, that would be quite a scoop for! Maybe we should have another new forum.... "Shop a software developer".
:) ... Apart from that, I think the whole concept of CS having its own file browser is _wrong_.
they had better improve illustrator. it's disgusting how slow it renders. 10 rendered a hell of a lot faster than cs. in cs, if it's complex enough (and it does'nt have to be that bad) i've seen it bitmapping in huge pixels. that and it is just DOG-slow. shoddy
i would actually just like to come clean at the moment - i have cs running pirate. it's not something i'm proud of, but the truth of the matter is it's just priced way out of my budget - but i need to learn these programs and skills to get a job so i can afford it. i know i'm not the only one, and it must hurt adobe so much. if they offered a realistic student deal (£100 possibly, for, say, previous versions of the suite. i could quite happily work with pShop 7, illus 10 and indesign)then i'd get it. £600 is a terms worth of food and living costs. but i can't use ms paint now can i?