Adobe Flash Player 9 Not installing..stalls...


Hey, I'm a newbie to this forum

-I have Mac OS 10.2.8 - and am trying to download Adobe Flash Player 9

-- Each time, I try to install it, and it stalls...with four additional components to install...and it just keeps running, never installing the four remaining components.

-- I tried downloading the Adobe Extensions Manager (version 1.8), because I found some posts relating to the problem I am having with Flash Player, but when I tried to run the em_install.dmg, I got an error about it failed to mount due to error 95, (no mountable file system) ?? I stopped trying to go this route.

-- Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Installer stalls with 4 items left.

Then I tried the Flash player uninstaller and it crashes every time. Reboot, run the permissions repair and the above repeats over and over.

Can't get the installer or the uninstaller to work. Now I have no flash player at all.

OSX 10.5.2
Safari 3.1.1
Dual 2 GHz Power PC G5
8 Gigs RAM
ATI Radeon X800 XT (256 MB VRAM)

Thanks for any help.

I get to the very end of the Flash Installer, then get a
Error creating file.
1008:5,-5000 Access denied error

The dialog box shows the installed was in the process of installing ""

I contacted Adobe and got pointed to this note - error 2 is what I was having.

I tried each of the options. No joy. The amazing thing, once I had deleted ALL BROWSERS, I learned the various Adobe applications have Opera installed in the application package - that was a surprise...

I went through and deleted each of those, still no joy.

I then repaired Disk Permissions one more time, rebooted the system and then tried and install Flash 8 - from the following archive file

Still no joy.

I'm more than a little frustrated here...

Any thoughts?
Okay, solution found! It's dangerous for newbies but experienced Mac users can handle it :-)

Go to System Preferences>Accounts. Right-click on your name on the left, and choose Advanced Options. You can now change your UID and GID. They should be 501. Set them to 0. This gives you the all-powerful (and dangerous) root access. Log out and log in again. If it happens the same for you as it did for me, you'll be scared at first if you've never done this before. The log-in process changes to the more secure form, and you may log-in as root, not as yourself at all!

That doesn't matter, though. Run the Flash Installer and it will do its thing. If you had any kind of permissions setback before this will plow right through it. The Installer opens a test page when it's done so you'll see its success. Now, immediately change your GID and UID (for your own name, of course, not the System Administrator if that's what you're logged in as now) back to 501. Log out immediately after this, and log in as yourself again. The browsers should have working Flash under your name as well. Mission Accomplished!

P.S.: Adobe can still bite it (particularly their tech "support" site), but without Flash the Internet is a much less interesting place, unfortunately, so I'm glad I got it working again.
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