Adobe to aquire Macromedia

yay! Photoshop will finally be fully compatible with Dreamweaver. and i will never have to use fireworks ever again.
I have two words for this:

1. Holy
2. Crap


Now here's what needs to happen.

1. Kill Freehand
2. Kill GoLive, but incorporate its smart objects technology into Dreamweaver
3. Finally make Photoshop and Illustrator files fully compatible in Flash

Is this some sort of leftover April Fool's joke? I am REALLY surprised by this one.
What if Adobe just bought them out to kill their competition and stop development of all the macromedia products... we'd be forced into livemotion and golive!
mindbend said:
I have two words for this:

1. Holy
2. Crap

My thoughts exactly!

1. Kill Freehand

I too expect this to happen, though i'm not a fan of the idea. I use Freehand extensively every day and love some of the capabilites built into Freehand that are missing in Illustrator. My hope is that they will add some of the features in Freehand that don't exist in Illustrator and add them in.... but some how i doubt Adobe will do it.

Freehand has some built in page layout tools that Illustrator doesn't have. This makes it easy to do basic/medium page layout projects AND vector illustration in the same program. I doubt that Adobe will add this to Illustrator since they already have their own page layout program (Indesign) and will be hesitate to add any features to Illustrator which would make it compete in any way with an existiing product of theirs.

Looks like i had better start brushing up on my Illustrator skills/ :p
I still find it funny how Aldus' applications end up at Adobe after some time. PageMaker rather early, now FreeHand. And both products probably won't survive... I'm glad I'm on InDesign and Illustrator already. ;) ... I don't like learning very-similar-but-altogether-different-nonetheless applications. ;)
Sub divide me and Kentucky Fry me, Adobe buy out Macromedia! That was kept quite! I can't believe it!

Were Macromedia really struggling that bad? Well, bye bye to FreeHand and Fireworks. FreeHand will be missed, but you can have Fireworks. Never liked it, even when it was xRes.

I don't know what to say?! I can't believe it? What about Coldfusion and Breeze?

My big concern is Dreamweaver? Do they kill GoLive or merge the two? Have to watch and see...

Flash will live though...
amazing i never expected this!

Go live - DIE
Dreamweaver - LIVE
Free Hand - never used it
Cold fusion / Contribute - would love it to have a small sized CMS side
Photoshop + flash paper - really cool idea
Whatever they do, please don't keep two similar apps going at once for no good reason. I think of Extensis with Suitcase and Font Reserve. How stupid is that? Either come out with one killer app with the best of both, or just pick one.

My colleague did point out one thing, though. Without GoLive and Dreamweaver to compete, where is the competition going to come from for that price range and feature set?
For web graphics, I prefer Fireworks over Photoshop. So this could be bad news for me. I'm wondering when the cries of 'monopoly' will start though. If this goes through, there will be very little competition for Adobe from now on...which means we'll be the ones getting the short end of the stick.

I don't really care about DW anymore, since BBEdit is my preferred editor...but I would agree Adobe should trash GoLive and keep DW going in it's place.
i don't think they'll just scrap the MM products. otherwise MM wouldn't have agreed to the deal.
FreeHand has an amazing compatibility with Flash. Since I create my flash layouts in Freehand and then transfer them to Flash, this merge is not good news.
Also, macromedia has better try and buy policies.
Adobe outsourcers its development to India.
fryke said:
I still find it funny how Aldus' applications end up at Adobe after some time. PageMaker rather early, now FreeHand. And both products probably won't survive... I'm glad I'm on InDesign and Illustrator already. ;) ... I don't like learning very-similar-but-altogether-different-nonetheless applications. ;)

Actually, Freehand was in Adobe's possession for a brief period when they acquired Aldus. I still have a copy of "Adobe Freehand". The box packaging had a brown outside wrapper on with the Adobe branding on it. Inside everything was "Aldus". Adobe only had the product for a very short time, as they were required by the terms of the acquisition to spin it off.
j2603 said:
FreeHand has an amazing compatibility with Flash. Since I create my flash layouts in Freehand and then transfer them to Flash, this merge is not good news.
Also, macromedia has better try and buy policies.
Adobe outsourcers its development to India.

Both Adobe and Macromedia outsource at least some of their development to India. Frankly, I don't know of any large software developer that doesn't outsource these days, at least in some capacity.

Over the last year I have worked closely with many members of the Dreamweaver team. They did a presentation last summer of some of the proposed features in the next version of Dreamweaver to my shop (we are a big Macromedia shop). Coltrane (the code name of DW 7) had some really impressive features. I hope this release still makes it.

From what I understand, Studio MX 2005 will be released later this year, prbobably right before the merger is complete, and will be under the Macromedia brand name. This, of course, is subject to change as Adobe irons out some of the detaisl of the merger.