Well, well, well. FrameMaker was an important application for creating technical manuals and the like. It'll sure be missed, although I've never needed/used it myself. Corel? Well, we _really_ don't need that one. Macromedia and Adobe have a very strong hand in vector graphics. Corel just didn't make any money on their Mac versions, so it was quite clear it'd have to go. If you wanted professional vector graphics, you _never_ chose Corel, anyway. PC or Macintosh.
And, yes: Adobe _is_ commited to the Mac platform with their Creative Suite - which is the _important_ part.
PageMaker was bought by Adobe at version 5. The _only_ version bringing really new features Adobe ever did was version 6. After that, it was just 'keeping it alive', or rather "We don't let that one die right now, but we'll cut the line in the future...". Which has already happened. And InDesign is more than enough of a replacement from the _same_ house.
I don't get why people make such a fuss about it. It's not like whole companies are working together in FrameMaker and now choose to go PC instead of Mac. I rather see Adobe doing well and focused. Gives them the money to create even better software instead of hangin' on to problem children.
The _other_ thing is that Apple, despite everyone saying the opposite, needs more market share. Not only because the platform's losing applications (it's also winning some, btw.), but rather because the press will then be more positive about the platform in general.
Btw., serpicolugnut said: "Do you honestly believe there are more Solaris FrameMaker users than there are Mac users? I doubt it."
Of course not. But quite probably there are more Solaris FrameMaker users than Mac FrameMaker users. Like I said: FrameMaker is mostly used in technical environments, where Sun is strong and Apple is not. Also: If one's a user of FrameMaker - he/she can still use it on the Mac, although in an old version. Who says that by 2005 there won't be a replacement? (That's when Adobe is going to cut support for the Macintosh version.) Maybe even from Adobe?
Rather than swearing about Adobe kickin' FrameMaker for Macintosh, we should do positive thinking and actually act, so that in the future there _is_ a solution. Be it from Adobe or not.