ADSL trouble


i just got my new internet adsl-connection, and have been experiencing some troubles the last couple of days.

first a few facts(maybe my problems is somewhat common to either company or area);
i live in spain and have a normal 1Mbit(1024/300) ADSL-line from Telefonica. they supplied me with a wi-fi router/modem(Xavi) so my connection is wireless.

every now and then my line seems to clog up, making me unable to surf in Safari and Mail won't connect to either one of my 4 accounts. however, i am fully able to have multiple chats going on in iChat, or listen to a radio-stream trough iTunes at the same time.

during all the time when safari just times out and mail can't connect i have a strong signal (max on my airport in the status bar, and between 70 and 80 in MacStumbler, where 84 is my current max). the router is situated under 3 inches behind my PB (since i believe to know that the antenna of my PB is in the screen, you could kinda say that the antenna of the router practically touches the recieving antenna in the PB).

why is my line "clogging up"?? shouldn't a 1Mbit line be strong enough to handle safari with multiple tabs, ichat, Mail and iChat??

please, any help would be great!

Not provided:
Manufacturer (Xavi ?) and model number (X?????) of ADSL modem / wireless router.
Whether an ethernet cable (if permittable) was connected between the (unknown) Mac and the (unknown) ADSL modem / wireless router, and if the same or different results occured. If you can, but did not - do such and report your results.

'shouldn't a 1 Mbit line be strong enough to handle safari with multiple tabs, Mail and iChat??', yes - and from your description ...

'every now and then my line seems to clog up, making me unable to surf in Safari and Mail won't connect to either one of my 4 accounts. however, i am fully able to have multiple chats going on in iChat, or listen to a radio-stream through iTunes at the same time.'

... it can and does.

The fact that your PowerBook is connecting quite well to the ADSL modem / wireless router, as per 'i have a strong signal (max on my airport in the status bar ... where 84 is my current max) ...'. is no reflection as to how the ISP is handling the various ports, at various times of the day.

'why is my line "clogging up"??', only your Internet Service Provider, ISP, can explain that to you.

'Safari' uses port '80'.
'iChat' uses several ports.
'iTunes' uses port '3689'.
'Mail' uses ports '25' and '110' (typically).

[Philadelphia Steuben Day Parade, Oktoberfest Philly style]
hi barhar, and thanks for answering.

the modem is a Xavi 7768r. when installed by the technician he connected it with an ethernet cable, however the same thing happened.

i've been trying to configure the modem, as i thought that it might have something to do with closed or blocked ports, but i couldn't really figure out how. i accessed the routers settings via Safari, but it didn't make me any wiser..

another thing which is kinda annoying is that when trying to use port 6881 (bits on wheels) - yes it is a legal file i'm downloading, with LOTS of peers - it doesn't seem to respond at all. this should point to the facct that some of the ports are natively blocked, shouldnt it???

'i've been trying to configure the modem, as i thought that it might have something to do with closed or blocked ports' - by default (> 99.999 % of the time) a modem, router, modem / router - has ports 80, 25, and 110 properly configured (open) for web browser surfing and e-Mail'ing.

'... when installed by the technician he connected it with an ethernet cable, however the same thing happened ...', you should have never let the installer / technician leave until the problem was resolved. Ok, this is now hind sight. Call your ISP, insist they resolve the problem.

Now, a touch of reality - not all your (e-Mail) accounts are on the same exact server. Sometimes, you may see an error (similar to) 'server not available for e-Mail account ...'; but, when the e-Mail accounts are again checked (minutes or so later) - no alert. The same applies to various web sites or sometimes during the day; but, not much and not frequently.

'... yes it is a legal file i'm downloading, with LOTS of peers ...' - you do not have to explain yourself to anyone.

With respect to configuring your modem / router, this web page may be of some assistance. Scroll down to 'Reserved Mappings' (which is 'port forwarding') and set '6881' for both 'Start' and 'End' ports; or, something like '5900' as the 'Start' and '6900' as the End' ports.