I wanted to start a thread that talked about some of the hidden feature I've found and read in Spotlight.
Here we go!
Boolean NOT
First feature I've read is the ability of the Boolean NOT in Spotlight
Apple(-Macintosh) will return everything Apple but will exclude if the word Macintosh is in it as well. Be sure there is no space between the words.
Tried it sure enough works great! on content that is. I noticed that it doesn't work if you try to NOT a word that is in the filename. Ohh well.
e.g. filename Resume Leroy Jenkins.doc, if you enter Resume(-Leroy), the file still comes up in the results.
Search in filename only
Next trick I found is the ability to search only in the filename.
Just put the "words" in quotes. Works great!! Only tried it with one word so far.
Jump to Top Hit
Once spotlight finds the file you want as a Top Hit, instead of hitting down arrow twice and then enter, just hit cmd-enter, that will jump to Top Hit and launch it.
Open containing folder
Similar to the trick above, if you down arrow to the file you like and hit cmd-enter, it will take you to the folder the file resides.
Finding by Kind
If you are looking for a file and you know it's a PDF, and only want PDFs to show try, Apple kind
This works only for PDF right now, I tried doc, gif, etc without success.
You might like to see Apples site that shows other addons.
e.g. kind:app or kind:email date:today
If any one has more please let us know!
Here we go!
Boolean NOT
First feature I've read is the ability of the Boolean NOT in Spotlight
Apple(-Macintosh) will return everything Apple but will exclude if the word Macintosh is in it as well. Be sure there is no space between the words.
Tried it sure enough works great! on content that is. I noticed that it doesn't work if you try to NOT a word that is in the filename. Ohh well.
e.g. filename Resume Leroy Jenkins.doc, if you enter Resume(-Leroy), the file still comes up in the results.
Search in filename only
Next trick I found is the ability to search only in the filename.
Just put the "words" in quotes. Works great!! Only tried it with one word so far.
Jump to Top Hit
Once spotlight finds the file you want as a Top Hit, instead of hitting down arrow twice and then enter, just hit cmd-enter, that will jump to Top Hit and launch it.
Open containing folder
Similar to the trick above, if you down arrow to the file you like and hit cmd-enter, it will take you to the folder the file resides.
Finding by Kind
If you are looking for a file and you know it's a PDF, and only want PDFs to show try, Apple kind

This works only for PDF right now, I tried doc, gif, etc without success.
You might like to see Apples site that shows other addons.
e.g. kind:app or kind:email date:today
If any one has more please let us know!