Advice on scond hand TiBook

I remember my original TiBook 500. What a great machine for over two years! Longest lasting PowerBook I ever had! The paint chipping: Don't worry about it. It shows that you're actually using the darn thing and gives it even more character. It's the first chip coming off that hurts the most. ;-) ...
After 9 months with my TiBook 1GHz and using it in too many places, thank God that no paint got off or something! :D But and this is a big BUT, I don't wear a metallic watch, rings (other than my wedding one) and I keep the beauty away from whatever metallic, like keys, tools, peripherals, PCs :p, etc.

But I know a couple customers that they had their TiBooks paint problems :(

As for my car, it is full of paint missing parts here and there and I have it only 2 and a half years only! THAT I cannot protect it other than painting it in the next few months ahead ;)
Same to my tibook. Not even one scratch. And I would say the paint is quite robust. I use to put a webcam with a gummi-protected metal-connector. Unfortunately the gummi ist not covering all, so there is metall on my cover. Still no scratches.
Anyway, I have to complain about the marks on my display. Any ideas how to clean those? I believe they are kinda scratches even (coming from the keyboard)
, I have to complain about the marks on my display. Any ideas how to clean those? I believe they are kinda scratches even (coming from the keyboard)

Don't know how to clean them, but the guy I got my Ti from told me to keep a simple A4 paper sheet between the keyboard and the screen when I close it to prevent scratches.
Seem like a good idea. :)
not very comfy for me. I like ppl to see my wonderful keyboard and the great screen when I open the lid and not a plain paper.. ;)
But since it's kinda too late for me, anyone ever crossed a thread or site with some ideas how to get rid of those?