AFP mount + Chown/Chgrp respecting


Hello all...

Does anyone know how to make an AFP mount of home directories (/Volumes/users off of another server) so that any users doing an ssh login retain write permission to their individual folders, read-write permissions to folders chowned to appropriate group... and so that newly created files are done so with their own user name?

Thanks for any suggestions.


p.s. I am able to mount as a specific user, but any simultaneously logged-in user is not able to write into their own folder then (as the mount is done in the name of the other user). Mounting as 'admin' doesn't help. Mounting as 'root' isn't available (I can sudo mount... but not login as root.. but sudoing the mount doesn't help either ).
Hiya Satcomer,.. and Thanks.

As I understand, the mount through the SSH tunnel will be performed using whatever username is specified, in that post. This will mean that the resulting mount will cover the current mount meaning that any other users currently signed in, will lose write permission to their files (see the 2nd response in that posting... that 'Shawn' is me).

We are going to try with NFS and cross our fingers.