AFP shares and Error Code -35


I have a Windows Server 2003 that has AFP set up with some NTFS shares.
When I try to connect to the shares on my G5:

I get an Error Code -35 which I've found online to be:

-35 nsvErr No such volume; volume not found

I can connect to the shares on the server fine with SMB but I have to use AFP for InDesign because of an Adobe problem. Please help. Thanks. (Have I set up the AFP shares correctly?)

Could it be that you simply have to enter the full address to the shares instead of only to the server?
I am having this same problem! the strange thing is my AFP works on some servers but not on my work ones.

Im befuddled and need a fix, any ideas?
Solution found. Locate your GlobalPreferences.plist (there will be 1 or 2, in user or syste prefs) Open it in the prefs editor and remove the Sharing dictrionary. Works a treat and all going well now :)
My IT guy says it has to do with the Mac not being able to send Windows style encrypted passwords over the network when logging in.

He had to set the Windows 2003 Server software to accept clear text passwords and everything started working for us Mac users.

Not a Windows guy so I won't be able to answer questions. But that is what he said.

Hope it helps,