Ahh.. Now my MAC can't go wireless :(


For some reason, my MAC significantly loses connection strength with any network it connects to. I checked my router, I think it's ok. But I want to be sure which one has the problem: the router or the MAC. So, how do I check if my MAC has gotten wireless problems?
P.S. I made this post on a different comp, if you were wondering.
Ah you might mean the MAC address is not working? Maybe you mean Mac which is short for Macintosh.

What Mac are you using? What version of OS x are you using? What wireless access point are you going too? What security is on the access point?

We need this information to help you.
An iMac. Newest version (I don't know what it is). I'm trying to access my verizon FIOS router, it says it has its wireless thing on. But my Mac can't sense it for some reason; it senses other networks though, like my neighbor's. My router has WEP key password. My keychain has this pass and it never asked me to type it in when accessing the router. Also, one other thing I noticed, sometimes when I look at the available scanned networks I see the router I'm trying to access, but the name disappears in a second. Hope this helps.