Ahhh, only blue screen on strtup, no login, no finder...


Yes indeed...
When I tried to boot into 10.1.3 today I only got a blue screen.
No login window, no finder...
fsck -y in single user mode tells me disk is ok.
No my questions:

1. is there a key command to get me to boot into the login window, ( I had it set to auto login before) so that I can boot the system with my root account ?

2. Why is this happening ?

3. What can I do ?

Also when booted from OS 9 First Aid finds no probs.
Did anything happen between now and the last successful boot? Install software? Power spike? Little brother spoon oatmeal into the CD-Rom? :) Change the login files (.login, csh.cshrc, etc)?

Can you boot off of a CD? I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but a re-install may be in order. (Really, I am no expert -- get more responses before resorting to this)
I was messing around with duality changing to different theme, and it seems Duality installed corrupted files, so that aqua could not startup successfully.
I rebooted into 9 and replaced all the theme related files (hitoolbox.rsrc, extras.rsrc, etc) from a backup and now it works again--- phew
It happened to me about 2 weeks ago, and I've never used a different theme or whatever. It started okay the next night, who knows...