AIM and 10.1.5 dont mix


UC Gundam Freak
im currently using the latest build for AIM and Im encountering
serious headaches. Every time I receive an IM the program
"unexpectedly quits". Does anyone else have this same problem?
Any suggestions other than using Proteus (as
I want to swap files)

That's strange. I just had a convo w/ a good friend of mine on AIM the other day and she IMed me first w/o any problems.
AOLIM version 4.5.651 works flawlessly on my computer. In fact, it crashed every once in a while on previous versions of Mac OS X, but not yet for me in 10.1.5. Perhaps something is wrong with the version you are using, or possibly something is interfering with its ports for communication. Firewall settings? etc...
I had similar problems with AIM. Every time you tried to do anything useful it crashed. On a different note I find the Yahoo! message stream flakey too. Can't seem to stay connected.
hmm, i have 10.1.5 and AIM 4.5.651, and i use AIM all the time (almost daily) and i haven't had any crashes. in fact it works great for me, except for one small thing....

if AIM has been running for 3+ hours, after awhile my IM's start coming out blank. my friends i'm chatting with can see what i'm saying, and i can see what they're saying, but my own words appear completely's really annoying. like last night, i jumped on AIM to talk to a friend at 1 4 am, my messages started coming out blank. a restart of AIM clears it up, but it's still a bug. and i did file a bug report about this too. anyone else experience this?
Do you have Silk installed?

When I installed that and tried to run AIM with the nice antialiased text, it ran ok for a few minutes, then choked and died and wouldn't work properly again after til I turned silk off... and then it worked fine.
my computer won't go into sleep mode/turn off monitor when AOL IM is open. I moved to Adium (and switch back to AOL IM to swap files)
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
AOLIM version 4.5.651 works flawlessly on my computer. In fact, it crashed every once in a while on previous versions of Mac OS X, but not yet for me in 10.1.5.

Same with me, aim actually seems a lot more stabler now, at least for me. No crashes yet.

Originally posted by carmv

Same with me, aim actually seems a lot more stabler now, at least for me. No crashes yet.

just my luck.. i seem to have the opposite going on here

i never had a problem b4 i upgraded to 10.1.5. i put the app in the
exclusion list in silk as suggested and now i can type a message to someone
which i wasnt able to do b4. but now i cant see what i type until i send it to
the recipient.
My AIM worked fine until my 10.1.5 upgrade, then I started having the exact same problem as dtmdoc..

But I'm using Fire, so it doesn't matter that much to me. :)
Originally posted by ricky
My AIM worked fine until my 10.1.5 upgrade, then I started having the exact same problem as dtmdoc..

But I'm using Fire, so it doesn't matter that much to me. :)
can you swap files with fire?
Not under the AIM service, no. :(

However, I was able to tell the people on my buddy list not to send me IM's while I go to transfer a file, and file transfer works okay for me on AIM.
When I upgraded to 10.1.5, the latest release of AIM would randomly suck up 97-100% of my processor time, until i quit it. This might happen right after I open it, or several hours down the line. My solution to this problem was to stop using AIM. And once again, all is well in OS X land.

There are better alternatives, anyway.

-Agent Oranje.