AIM hack


The All Seeing
i know theres a way to get those f*ing adds off of the aim buddy list window in os9. Is there a way/hack to do it in X.1.1? or does the script work for x.1.1 aswell?
use adium
get it on versiontracker

its better than aim, yet no file transfer. but who needs that
There *was* something on, I don't remember what it's called. I use Adium, but not very much.
Adium tends to cause odd problems for me. Random crashes and the like. I don't really understand why. I wish it didn't, because AIM is trash, but oh well.

Powermac G4 AGP
256 MG RAM
10 GB HD
60 GB HD
9.2.2 and 10.1.1
Wow Adium is really good! Try this: Go to preferences - interface - "window mode" button. This is really great because then you can have everything in one window arranged with tabs. And not your whole desktop cluttered with windows. And you can choose very many was to be notified by a new message. My favourite is noe bouncing, just the icon with his/hers arms waving.