AIM popularity site



This site is really cool. It tracks cliques within groups of peoples' buddylists. It also measures buddy popularity and allows you to do a six-degrees type search for other screen names. An interesting approach to social network theory. It was featured in the NYTimes and slashdot awhile ago. And sorry, but everyone who uses iChat or Adium has to switch to AIM for a second to get the .blt out.
That's really intersting. I've never even heard of anything like that!

Makes me want to sign up with AIM all over again. ;)
You need to log in to your AIM using WINDOWS ... cough. How to upload buddy lists from iChat? Can't find option in iChat. The link to the thing in proteus is not working, there is a 3 k file that does not exist.
You don't need to log into AIM using Windows, actually. You can use the official AIM client for OS X. From the file menu, choose "Export" and put your buddy list on your desktop (or wherever). then, updload it via their site.

Interesting... the only other people on my buddy list who have done this are ALSO complete geeks...