Aiport express itunes streaming


I am a new mac owner - just purchased a macbook pro and set up an airport express to wirelessly stream music through my stereo. the set up was a breeze and everything worked great off the bat. a few hours in, the playback suddenly became extremely choppy, cutting out for 3 or 4 seconds every 5 seconds or so. I have my music stored on an external hard drive, so thought that might be an issue, so i restarted everything and just played music through the laptop speakers and it worked flawlessly. When i tried to stream it again, i had the same poor results? could it be some sort of interference? could it have something to do with my secure network? any help for a mac newbie is appreciated!
you aren't maxxing out the wifi-network by, say, downloading or uploading intensively?
that was my original thought - that somehow my bandwidth was being siphoned, but there were no big uploads/downloads, and nobody else has hacked in and stolen bandwidth. could postioning have something to do with it? although that wouldn't explain why it suddenly started behaving this way after it worked well originally.
In Airport Admin Utility: Try enabling Interference Robustness in wireless options.
If you also have a wireless router (which runs DHCP,) try changing the wireless channel. (This one worked for me)
It's probably just local interference.
when all else fails unplug everything! i changed the channel on my wireless network to no avail then decided to just turn it off and back on since i have been making a lot of changes to it. in true computer hardware fashion, problem solved! thanks for the suggestions.