Airport: 3 macs with software base?


I know officialy it's not possible, but is there a way to connect two macs to a mac running OS X via airport, preferably simultaneously? Or is it a hardware limitation you can't get around?


Dear All,

I know that this can be done in Mac OS 9 Classic. IN MacOS 9, you can turn the machine in to a base station, so other machines can connect to you and share you internet connection. The 'host' machine will have to be running MacOS 9 to do this and to tuen it in to a Base Station, it's just a simple click.

Unfortunately, I don't know how this is done in MacOS X as the Airport set up panel is different.

Hope I was some help...
Originally posted by Kinniken
I know officialy it's not possible, but is there a way to connect two macs to a mac running OS X via airport, preferably simultaneously? Or is it a hardware limitation you can't get around?



Yeah you can get your mac (try to choose the most powerful one) to pretend to be an AirPort Base Station.

The other Macs will just see a base station with an internet connection. You really need a G4 with ISDN or better to make this viable.

10.2 will have the facility back.
I know I can make a mac running OS X into a software base station... I had just heard that it only worked with one client. Good news =)
For the power required, the mac supposed to do this is an iMac G3/450 on cable modem... will that be enough or will performance be awful?
I could try to have an other comp, and iMac G4/700 as the base station, but that would require changing the arrival point of the cable, and that would be costly... I'll see what performance I get.