Airport and a webserver



How to set up a single IP-network and a web-server?

I'm the owner of a Graphite Airport BS, a PowerBook G3 and G4 and a Flatpanel iMac - all Macs are equipped with Airport cards. I have one static IP-address via DSL from my ISP and I want to set up my own wireless network with the iMac as a Web-server. As far as I can read from the Designing Airport Networks Guide by Apple, it should be possible to do that by using NAT and the Port Mapping feature in the Airport Admin software, but I'm sure, that I do something wrong in my set up since nothing works at all. My network configuration on the iMac (webserver) has been set up manually with ip, subnet mask and Router (subnet and router specs are identical with the Airport BS). "Share a single IP address" is checked in the Network configuration in Airport Admin and is mapped to public and private port 80 in Port Mapping. What is wrong?

I hope someone can help me...

I do not know if the Airport Base Station (router) is capable of supporting LAN clients where some have static and others have dynamic IPs. I know of some routers that cannot handle a mixed environment.

If it does:
1) Turn on NAT and DHCP
2) 3) In the server's network prefs pane select Manual (I found "manual using DHCP" error prone)
3) Give your server computer a static IP outside of the DHCP range
4) Fill everything else in by hand, including the DNSs and search domain
5) Add the Port mapping in the Base Station. Just keep the ports at 80
6) Turn on Web sharing on the server
7) You'll need to go to http://IP Address/~username to get the correct site or modify the apache config file to change the location

Thanks for spending your time on this.

I've done exactly what you tell me to do.

Let me repeat what I've done: My Airport Base Station picks up my static IP ( from my ISP and "converts" this to a new private IP number for each wireless computer (DHCP and NAT). Everything works so far - all computers have access to the Internet. The webserver - which is wireless as well - has been set up manually with an IP number outside the DHCP range ( with port 80 (I have used the Airport port mapping setup). When I try to connect to or or with the right user in the end of the URL nothing at all happens. In the Internet panel in the Airport Configuration Software I can see that all network information from my ISP is there.

This should work according to Apples documentation, but it doesn't work here.

When I clicked on the links I went immediately to your Apache test page, seems to work.
Funny, but now I think I know what's wrong. I read a user-comment in one of Apples own OSX forums. It says that Airport does not allow you to access your own Airport network via an external IP address if your behind the Airport. That explains why I can't see my own webserver from the external IP, but you can.

Thanks a lot for helping me.
