Airport Card Problems


So I'm new to the Mac world and just got and Ibook G3. My problem is i'm trying to connect wireless to a linksys router and nothing has worked. At first it said i wasn't typing in the right password. Now it says "there was and error joining the selected airport network". After that I disabled the security mode on the router. Please help me out!

Also where can i go to find out more about apple ibooks, cause i've been a dell guy for years.

thanks and any help would be great!
Don't post questions to the HOWTO forum. That one's for explanations only.
Me, too, I'm in a similar boat.
Trying to connect my airport card which does read my Router in the listing but comes up with a constant loop wanting a password in order to connect to this LinkSys Router choice. What to do? How to do this?
You need to go to your PC that has the Router and install the software program, you can choose what type of password protection to do, there you can set up what I think is called a WEP or WES its a 23 letter code, that will act as your password, go to the Linksy website they have all the info you will need, I had the same problem this weekend. Wish i could help more but all my info is at home