Airport Express and Linksys...


Just thought I'd pass this along - after much frustration I finally found out how to get my new Airport Express to talk to my Linksys 802.11g router. I'm no expert but it seems that if you try to use WEP security with a Linksys router the Airport express will not be able to join the network. Switching the network over to WPA with a shared key solved everything for me and now the thing works like a charm and sounds excellent. I also recommend (unless you're totally clueless and have all Apple hardware) using the "Airport Admin Utility" to set things up - this gives you far more options than the "Airport Express Setup Assistant."

The Airport Express puts out out a good strong signal (will still require a preamp though). The sound of a streamed CD is just as good as a CD played locally on my system (Adcom preamp and power amp, Quart III speakers). While the Quarts are real nice speakers I hope to upgrade to Sonus Fabers later this year... those things are the bomb - hope this helps someone - john.
Could you please post a complete step by step on how to bridge a linksys which has already been flashed and an airport extreme? The express essentially is a toned down version.
I was able to connect to a lynksys WAN with the AP-Extreme, so I can't imagine why it would be too much different with the express. I connected with WEP-128 hex encryption.
BloodShotEyes said:
I was able to connect to a lynksys WAN with the AP-Extreme, so I can't imagine why it would be too much different with the express. I connected with WEP-128 hex encryption.

Worked for me too.. however I am using WPA (tkip) now as its more secure and I dont have to remember the WAP key.
I connect my Airport Express to my Linksys WRT54G using WDS so I can stream music and plug my xbox into the ethernet port and connect to xbox live.

Instructions found here:

I do have one problem. My wife's iBook has trouble seeing the Linksys router unless it is right next to it. It always wants to pick up the airport express. Sometimes it won't see anything when it is out of range of the airport express but should still be able to pick up the Linksys.

Any ideas how I can keep the airpot express signal from always being the one it wants to connect to?

I have the ibook configured to connect to best signal. I also tried turning the transmit power on the AE down to 50%.

Thank You.
With this Airport express can I use it to act as a bridge between my linksys and let's say I connect a hub to this Airport express will allow my to connect my Windows Media Center DVR Computer, the Sony PlayStation, and stream music? Or is it just for Mac networking?
I have a PowerBook, but need to install the wireless card in it, so for right now if I could use the Hub set The powerBook could get connected in the Living room via a cat5 cable.

Thanks Tazman34685
Tazman34685 said:
With this Airport express can I use it to act as a bridge between my linksys and let's say I connect a hub to this Airport express will allow my to connect my Windows Media Center DVR Computer, the Sony PlayStation, and stream music?

Absolutely. As I said in my post above I connected my Xbox to the airport express. Connecting any device to the ethernet port will work so long as you follow the instructions in my previous post for enabling WDS on your Linksys, provided you have the correct version of the linksys router. The newest Linksys wireless routers will not work with teh firm ware in the directions.

Good Luck!
I was able to link my Linksys to my Airport Express using WEP after putting an asterisk or dollar sign (can't remember which) in front of the WEP password in my Airport Utility.

What about this situation:

Airport Express is the router. Three Macs on the network have no problem obtaining a dynamic IP address. But a PC running Windows 2000 can see the router, connect to it successfully, but it can't go online for lack of an IP address. After a minute or so, it gets a self-assigned 169.254.x.x address.

Any advice out there?