Airport Express not working


hi all,

First post, find this site searching google and wish i knew about this place a few years ago :)

Unfortuntely my wireless network, aka airport express just went on the blink while surfing. I contacted my ISP and nothing wrong their end, and in anycase i have the cable connected directly into my macbook.

The express is flashing amber and I have resetted both hard and factory with no joy. When i go into the airport utility, it seems to be the default settings which might be amiss:

"this apple wireless device has default settings. you should configure your apple wireless device to connect to the internet, secure the wireless network and a provide a password"

So, how do I go about reconfiguring the network, or in layman terms, getting the darn thing working again?

All help greatly appreciated.

Many Thx
Hi there.

Usually, the default settings should give you some sort of connectivity that you should be able to access it through the Airport Admin Utility. From there, you might have to reinput the information given to you by the ISP for getting the AE to communicate to the modem again. This would require you connecting the Ethernet cable back to the cable/DSL modem and accessing it through your wireless connection on the MacBook (make sure your Airport on the MacBook is enabled).