Airport Express not working


Unfortuntely my wireless network, aka airport express just went on the blink while surfing. I contacted my ISP and nothing wrong their end, and in anycase i have the cable connected directly into my macbook.

The express is flashing amber and I have resetted both hard and factory with no joy. When i go into the airport utility, it seems to be the default settings which might be amiss:

"this apple wireless device has default settings. you should configure your apple wireless device to connect to the internet, secure the wireless network and a provide a password"

So, how do I go about reconfiguring the network, or in layman terms, getting the darn thing working again?

All help greatly appreciated.

Many Thx
Use the Airport Utility in application/utilities.

Before doing that make sure you are either cable connected or linked to the default Airport wifi network (name like "apple 334534").

The utility has both wizard and manual setup.