airport express problems


Got a problem you all might be able to help with.

Here's my setup:

DSL>DSL modem in bridge mode>Linux firewall/router(YDL3.0.1 with Shorewall)>LAN hub

All the computers (4) on my LAN are connected to the hub, the firewall is set to allow any local traffic thru, and all other computers on the ethernet are able to access the internet without a hitch.

Got a new Airport Express to act as a wireless point for the house via the local ethernet as well as to allow distribution of music to the living room. I'd like to have this allow any wireless clients to be like any other node on the ethernet.

When I use the standard DHCP setup to connect to the express, I can ping any computer or interface on the LAN, but cannot get out past the firewall (unknown host error). I have tried bridging (it's fairly poorly described near as I can see) and think this may be the way to go, but also got nowhere as I am not sure how to set up the IP addresses. I know it's a routing problem, but cannot figure it out. Can anyone help?

It is very possible that the hub is your problem. You might try replacing it with a switch. Hubs are great for what you where originaly doing but now with the AirPort the hub cannot route your traffic properly.
Hey ppat, do you have DHCP enabled on both your Shorewall Firewall and the Airport Express? Because if you are .. that might be the problem...?

Do you have WPA security enabled on your AE as well? If you do , and because you already have a router on your network, which looks to me like its distributing IP addresses.If so, you must access and disable the router settings on your AirPort Express that provide DHCP and NAT capabilities to your wireless clients, if any. Then Select the Network tab. and be sure that the checkbox for "Distribute IP addresses" is not checked (it is checked by default).

So far, try those settings, if not, post back with further results and/or problems and i will be glad to assist.


btw.. you said that you have it running in bridge mode, are you trying to have your airport extreme point to lets say another access point? or create some sort of a wds connection? because if so.. then as an addition to what i said above, the wireless access point may not accept wds connections or route them correctly. Also if you are getting any errors, it could be that your lan interface is pointing to your eth1 and not a bridge interface. Wou can create a bridge device with only one device....

It seems like your using, or trying to wds with a wrt54g? using hacked wrt firmware? Sorry its late.. Just got home from work about 1 hour ago and am very sleepy.