Hello all. I just got a brand new 2Wire 2700HG expecting that I could take advantage of its wireless features. I configured the router as per ISP instructions, got hooked in with the ethernet cable and everything worked fine. The problem is that whenever I try connecting with my Airport card, I get sluggish speeds, even worse than if I was on dialup. I've been checking almost every aspect of the 2700HG's wireless connectivity settings and still haven't found any positive results.
I've got an iBook G4 12", the latest revision that Apple let out before the new MacBooks arrived with OS X 10.4.7 (and AirPort Firmware 404.2) - Airport Extreme, Bluetooth, 40gb hd and everything. I even tried making a new location for Airport to grab its own IP address via DHCP and still nothing. Airport is on, of course, and the 2700HG's wireless capabilities are on, too. I've used Airport to connect to some other wireless routers, be them Airport, 2wire, belkin or anything.
Here are some settings on the HomePortal that might be helpful:
Channel: 6 (2437MHz)
SSID Enabled
Security: WEP-Open 64-bit using default encryption key
Mode: b/g
DTM Period: 1s
Max Conn. Rate: 54Mbps
Power setting: 10
Any kind of help would be appreciated.

I've got an iBook G4 12", the latest revision that Apple let out before the new MacBooks arrived with OS X 10.4.7 (and AirPort Firmware 404.2) - Airport Extreme, Bluetooth, 40gb hd and everything. I even tried making a new location for Airport to grab its own IP address via DHCP and still nothing. Airport is on, of course, and the 2700HG's wireless capabilities are on, too. I've used Airport to connect to some other wireless routers, be them Airport, 2wire, belkin or anything.
Here are some settings on the HomePortal that might be helpful:
Channel: 6 (2437MHz)
SSID Enabled
Security: WEP-Open 64-bit using default encryption key
Mode: b/g
DTM Period: 1s
Max Conn. Rate: 54Mbps
Power setting: 10
Any kind of help would be appreciated.