Airport Extreme and cordless phones


Postmaster General
Is anybody else having a problem with airport extreme and cordless phones both having to share 2.4 ghz airspace, every time someone calls or uses a phone airportE goes down, i've tried changing the frequency in the airport system software and it still manages to do this when the phone is in use. Does anyone have any other suggestions
so THAT'S what our airport problem is!

haha why didn't I think of it before? That's gotta be it... whenever someone is using the cordless phone, the airport signal keeps flashing back and forth between full and empty.

no idea how to solve the problem though, sorry.
Yes, I have noticed it. I haven't even bothered to try and fix it because I am usually close enough that it doesn't cause me to lose my signal.
Originally posted by haley
so THAT'S what our airport problem is!

haha why didn't I think of it before? That's gotta be it... whenever someone is using the cordless phone, the airport signal keeps flashing back and forth between full and empty.

no idea how to solve the problem though, sorry.

One way to fix it is to change the frequency to a different end of the spectrum(1-11), this in the airport admin Utility in the Utilities folder. This however doesnt always work for me and is quite frustrating
You can't use a 2.4 GHz phone and Airport together.

Airport uses the 802.11b (Airport Extreme uses 802.11b and 802.11g) and there are only 3, count them 3, non-overlapping channels in the 2.4 GHz range.

So, it will be very unlikely that you will be able to get the phone to not cause interference on your airport network.

Most work environments that have 802.11 networks (that I know of) forbid the use of 2.4 GHz phones because they create such a large area of high power interference. They are too disruptive to the network that it is easiser to ban them than to attempt to get them to work together.

So, your best be is to go out and get yourself a 900 MHz phone. (Plus according to the laws of physics, 900 MHz phones have longer range than 2.4 GHz phones)