Airport extreme installation probs for iBook G4

dr fletch

Bought my son an Airport Extreme card for xmas for his iBook G4 (2 USB) after checking their compatability with an Apple chappie. I assume that the iBook sees the card id ok (Network Prefs /Location:Automatic Airport ID appears as 00:16:cb:f7:85:af)
but it fails to see the Netgear router sitting above my head. My MacBook Pro which I'm typing on now, sees it fine, no passwords etc. Tried the Network setup assistant but each time it scans for network, the Netgear doesn't appear. When I type in NETGEAR in the Internet connect/Other Network it says there was an error joining network "NETGEAR".

Any ideas as to what's up?
now when I look at the network status in the Network system prefs, it says "Airport is connected to the network NETGEAR. Airport has a self-assigned ip address......." oops, now it says "Airport is turned on but is not connected to a network"

Dodgy ariel?
Have you pushed the card in hard enough? It can be tight!

What settings have you set on the System Prefs/Network/Airport page?

Airport should be Automatic

TCP/IP should be set to be: Using DHCP

The PPPoE page should have all boxes unticked and empty.
I'm afraid I'm lost now. When I had similar problems I managed to sort it by going through the process from the beginning.

In the past I have done several things which may or may not have helped. Reset the router. Reset the modem (my router/modem are separate units). Turned on/off Interference Robustness. Set the broadcast channel/set it back to auto on the router. Reseated the Airport Extreme card.

Is the IP address visible in the Network pane of the TCP/IP in System Prefs? Is it in the same series as the MacBook Pro?

I think you may have to wait for an expert...