Airport Extreme reception issue



I have a 12 inch Powerbook G4 867 with 256MB of RAM, and running Tiger 10.4.5.

I recently installed an AirPort Extreme card. I had some difficulty getting it to log onto my network via an ActionTec DSL wireless gateway, but now they are playing nicely.


My PowerBook rarely shows more than 2 bars of reception even when I'm only 5 feet away from the base station. When I'm 30ft away it can't find the network.

I think that this must be a problem of the PowerBook because my Palm T3 Wi-Fi card has no trouble loggin onto the same wireless gateway from two doors down the street!

Any advice on increasing the signal reception of the PowerBook?

(For what it's worth: my old Ti-Book and old airport card would let me log on from way down the street!)

I NEED to be mobile, so if it is an issue with the PowerBook........anyone out there who wants to buy it, make me an offer:)

Besides changing the channel, try moving the base station to different locations, if possible. Although most people disagree with me on this, some times my cell phone follies my signal. After moving the location of both, all appears well.
Also the Powerbook antenna (inside the Powerbook) can get crunched up (at least in TiBook it did). Do and investigation on your Powerbook model and see if the fix the internal antenna ( I did by removing the bottom plate and "massaging" the right internal side to stretch out the Airport antenna. It worked for me but your milage vary).
Good tip, Satcomer. Although I have had no trouble with my lately. I used to get erratic behavior from mine. The indicators bars, on the menu bar, never indicated a full signal. Then out of now where, for the last few months, my signal is always full. PB with base-station Extreme.