Airport Extreme will not connect to 802.11g Router



I finally got my new 20' iMac today. But it will not connect to our802.11g router. I select our network and enter the 10-digit password, and it always fails to connect.

This is a new 2.66 GHz iMac with Airport Extreme and OSX 10.5.4. Until this is solved, I cannot dowload any of the goodies, I have lined up nor can I even get my email except by begging time off my wife's Windows system! :eek:

I just want to get away from all of that Windows stuff and quietly compute on my iMac. Heeeeelllllllllp!!!!! Puleeze!
First all what router using and what security is the network using? I ask because I can break WEP security in three seconds.
Thanks for the fast reply. The router is a D-Link model DI-524. When I try to get on with the iMac, it says it wants a WEP password. This password is 10 numeric digits and worked with two other computers (a PC desktop and a Toshiba laptop).

There is no leading character such as a $ or " to the password. Adding either of them made no diference.

I'm sure that, when I find the solution it will be someting simple and I'll feel stupid. (again!) :rolleyes:
Could it be that your iMac is trying to connect using wireless n, rather than g? Have you tried connecting via ethernet temporarily? Also maybe you could try switching your D-Link's authentication settings to Open System, if it is on Shared Key.

BTW, you don't happen to have a 2.4 GHz cordless phone plugged in nearby, do you?
Thanks to all, but the problem is solved! :D Naturally, it was something simple. I just had to go to the PC and change the settings to allow the LAN to accept the new computer. Duh!!!!
Thanks to all, but the problem is solved! :D Naturally, it was something simple. I just had to go to the PC and change the settings to allow the LAN to accept the new computer. Duh!!!!

Do worry! Even use so-called pros do simple mistake like this almost every day. So you are not alone.:)