Airport Extreme With a Modem



I have just brought an Airport Extreme base station (With a modem) and can't figure out how or if it's possible to set it up the way i originally intended.

At home i have dial up internet and a home network. I brought the Airport so that i can use my powebook on the internet / network any where in the house.
I want the Airport Base station to dial a connection to the internet and convert the wired home network into wireless. At the moment i can set it up to do one or the other not both!

This as you would imagine is rather frustrating. Currently i have got a server with Windows on it but i inten to make a G4 PowerMac my new server. The only bad thing with having this mac as my new server is that it doesn't have a modem.

Does anybody know of a way to configure the Airport so it will do what i want? I would have throught that would be easy enough!
Not really clear about what you are trying to do. If you have the base-station set up, you may have to give access to specific computers on your network. Moreover, Apple has airport software for Windows.

Thanks For replying.
What i want to do is have the airport provide the internet connection over Wireless and Ethernet and also send my Wired Network over the airport.
When i configure my Airport to connect to the internet for me with it's modem it doesn't send my wired network over wireless just the internet is over wireless. I haven't tryed connecting through the airport over ethernet when it's dialing the internet but i presume it is sending it over the wired network as well.

Also the networks IP range is - (Not many of these IP's are actually used). So i really only need the airport to push over the servers DHCP and allow the airport users to connect to my server.

I hope this is the information you needed.

Thats for the clarification. Unfortunately, I can't help you, since that is above my technological knowledge. Hopefully, some one can help you on the forum. Or you can search and cruise both here and Apple's discussion/knowledge based articles.