Airport Extreme

To glean from the above posts: range can be influenced by the wireless router (Or Access Point being used, correct)?

Any discussion on the advantages of using Access Points (esp with the airport cards --extreme and unextreme)
PC-Cards are what a long time ago was called PCMCIA cards. And I'm quite positive that third party developers will come out with PC-Cards capable of doing 802.11g, aren't you?
Originally posted by fryke
I'm quite positive that third party developers will come out with PC-Cards capable of doing 802.11g, aren't you?
I am certain that third party developers will come out with 802.11g cards. However it is important to note that the Airport slot (in Dual USB iBooks at least) will not accept non-airport cards. (The computer powers on, but will never even get to the boot loader). Also, the airport card has a unique antenna connector, so some cards (like ones made by Aironet/Cisco/Dell) will not connect to the computer's internal antenna (unless there is an adapter, but I don't know if one exists).

I think that is where third party developers need to focus their attention: Creating a Airport slot compatible 802.11g card.
Referring to access points (which have anntannas (sp)), what ballpark ranges can I expect with the old airport card and thr G4 powerbook? Is it extended?