airport farting


I have been experiencing periodic delays in my network connection lately: I will be surfing the net, in either Firefox or Safari, and everything is loading fine and quickly, when all of a sudden on my next link-click it won't load, and takes a long time to say that either the server is not responding or I am not connected to the internet.

When I quit the web browser or my mail program and re-open it, pages load fine for about 1-2 minutes. Then it happens again. I am showing full power on my Airport connection, I have Interference robustness checked, my Internet Connect program says I am connected, but the Network Diagnostics program showed that Internet and ISP failed.

I am now plugged in directly to the router with the Ethernet to post this, and things are loading much faster with no drops at all.

What's up???
It could be that someone near you has the same channel, channels overlap,
if you have channel 6 the 7 and 8 will "bleed" over. Try changing the channel to 4. give it a go see what happens.

Use the AirPort Admin Utility to change the channel on the AirPort Base Station.
it's not the wireless connection that sucks, it's the hanging up on loading pages that doesn't work. both Airport and iStumbler say I have a great signal.
Pages just won't load in any web browser and my mail program wont' get mail.
What Rogue_Tr00per is saying is valid. if there are aiport base stations in teh same area. It may not matter how strong your signal strength is if your getting channel interference. Go ahead and switch to a radom high or low channel, like the suggested 4, and see what happens. You've got nothing to lose from giving it a shot.
