Airport on Windows?

I have an airport (snow) installed on a windows server, and any mac connected to that airport cannot see the windows network. I have other macs that are connected, but not through the airport, and they see the network fine. Is there something I need to do to the airport in order for it to be able to see the windows network? or is it just not yet possible?
my set up is:
Cable Modem : Windows 2000 Server : Router to:
- Windows Machines (5)
- Macs (2 running OS X 10.2.1)
- Airport (snow, last updated yesterday)
to iBook
and windows laptop

The airport is sharing the internet just fine, but it will not share the windows network, regardless if you connect using a windows laptop or an ibook (wirless or directly connected to the airport). The airport is directly connected to the router.
Dear ichadsey,

I to have a Airport on a Windows network and it shows up fine. Yes, an Airport Basestation can be on a Windows network no problem, but you do have to set it up to work. I am working a a few assumptions here.

1. You are a cable modem which is connected to yur Win2K sever.
2. You are sharing it's Internet Connection between the PC's and Mac's?
3. You have a static IP number?

It's the same set up as I have and here's how I did it...

1. You need to launch Airport Admin Utility and select the Internet tab.

2. In the Internet Tab, you need to fill out the settings as in the screenshot that I have attached. Once done, restart your hub.

3. In your own Internet Preference panel, you need to set up the same IP settings, but of course have a different IP number than to the Basestation.

4. This should work.

I am told by my PC mates that these are the IP numbers used by Win2K server to share the Internet connection. One way or another, it works for me, it should work for you.

Hope it helps.


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I did what you said. I changed the settings of the airport admin to exactly how you made it, and then changed the settings on my ibook to the exact same settings but with a slightly different ip address ( now it will not connect to the internet at all. changing the settings on my ibook back to "configure: using dhcp" lets me use the internet once again, but will still not allow me to browse the windows network. frustrating.
Dear ichadsey,

Ok, you say that you can connect to the Internet via your Airport, so therefore the Airport technology *is* actually working.

So therefore, some settings on your machine must be wrong, or the hub.


Have you turn on AppleTalk?

Do you have AppleTalk services switched on on your Win2K box?

Are you all on the same subnet mask class?

Have you tried to connect to other machines via Ethernet?

It does work I promise, I have attached a screenshot to prove it.


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ah ha...
ok, i went back and tweaked the settings again. now it's working. the ibook has to be set up using DHCP, not manually, and the airport has to be set up using the settings you gave me. The connect to server doesn't show the network still, but if i manually enter the smb address of any of the windows computers or the afp address of the mac, than i can connect to them. i still cannot get the printer sharing to work. just a little more tweaking and then hopefully i will eventually get it.
thanks for the help. if it weren't for you i'd still be pulling out my hair.