Airport Problem after Leopard Upgrade

Henri Sizaret


I am experiencing the following problem :

I have an iMac G5 with Tiger with 3 users, accessing internet via a local WiFi network at home. This network needs a WPA password to access.
The iMac worked perfectly and accessed the net with no issues.

I installed Leopard on the iMac and since then :
- it asks for a WPA password for the local network but does not accept it
even if I know that the password is right
- the airport meter is on "zero"
- I cannot get to internet.

Thank you for your help,

How did you install Leopard? Erase and Install? Upgrade install? If you did an standard upgrade then go to the folder /System/Library/Extensions/ and move the files (you will need an Admin account) AppleAirport2.kext & AppleAirportFW.kext to the desktop. Then RESTART immediately!

If this doesn't fix the problem open System Preferences->Network, Airport tab and turn of IPv6. This might help too.

Good Luck.