airport problems


UC Gundam Freak
i have a problem. im trying to setup my base station which was working
but is no longer. i have a dual ethernet station, a g4 867 (10.2.1) and
an iBook (10.2.1). i am accessing the internet using a cable modem which
is connected to the ethernet port on the 867. the computers can recognize the network I have setup, but I cant access the internet using the iBook.
when i fire up IE, the status bar indicates that it is connecting, but then
nothing happens.

also, i try to use the airport utility app (v 2.1), but it doesnt recognize the
base station even though the menu bar shows that the computer recognizes the
base station.

can someone help me?
I am not sure that my advice would resolve your situation. Here is my advice. Use Lan port of your ibook to connect it to your base station. It may works with wire connection. Then turn on the airport. And then disconnect Lan cable from your ibook. I assume that your internet setting is DHCP.

im having problems again... i notice that it is sluggish at best on the iBook.
the reception is full strength and it is being used in the next room in a 1 BR
apt. im so freakin frustrated.
The best possible way to connect these machines if you have a White AirPort base station is:

1. Configure your base station to be a DHCP server, sharing it's address.
2. Connect the cable modem to the base station's WAN port.
3. Connect the base station (using LAN) and any computers requiring a wired connection to a switch (if only one computer connect directly to the base station LAN port).
4. Set all computers to use DHCP on the correct ports.
5. Disable all network ports not in use.