AirPort + Security update causes kernel panic! :(


Translator, Web Developer
I updated my iMac (and iBook) listed below and my iMac crashes after periodic spikes in CPU usage, every time. My keyboard and mouse stop working for a few seconds as the usage spikes.

The only major software difference I can think of is that my APC power supply daemon (comapcpowerd) is interfering with something, since that spikes spu usage periodically as well, and is not installed on my iBook, which works perfectly.

I ran Disk Utility's Check Disk and Repair Permissions from the Panther installer CD.

Any ideas? Anyone else have this problem?
Update: after disconnecting the power supply's USB connection, and removing the startupitem & preferencepane, i no longer get the panic.

This would happen only after keyboard input, surprisingly! I could sit away and access my files over my LAN just fine, but after typing about 50 characters, boom, kernel panic. I'm going to advise APC (but I doubt they'll do anything about it).