Airport Setup Assistant Unable to Find Base Station



I'll start off my listing my specs:
Titanium Powerbook G4
Belkin 54G card
Airport Express
Airport update 4.2
OSX 12.4.2

As the subject suggests when I run Aiport Setup Assistant I can neither set up a new base station (ie. my Airport Express) nor change the settings on it. Once it gets to the point where it needs to search for the base station it comes up empty.

Now it wasn't always like that...
When I first opened my Airport Express up, plugged it in and ran Airport Setup Assistant it picked up everything fine and it connected to the internet fine. But I wasn't able to print to my USB printer through the Express, so I decided to perform a hard reset (press in the reset buttontill it flashes) and since then I haven't been able to set it back up again.

The wierd thing is the Aiport drop down menu in the top bar has already connected to the Apple network that the Express has created, but the Setup Assistant nor the Aiport Admin can find the Express as a base station, and I can't connect to the internet via it.

Help me please!!! I'm racking my brains out trying to troubleshoot this one!

Thanks in advance.
