AirTunes, AirPhoto, AirMovie, AirDVD - AirLife


AirTunes provides a solution to a problem. I have been watching Tivo Home Media Option and waiting for AAC capability - AirTunes solves the music problem somewhat, but I would like Tivo Home Media Option - like interface for the TV to select music.

What about photos - will AirportExpress add a Video Out so that I can see my photos on my HiDef TV - Hey what about iMovies.?
Well, we all know that - right now - the AirPort Express does nothing like that. Well, AirTunes, but that's it.

I'm quite sure that Apple could (will) add some video/photo capability, but we won't see that until Apple has sold quite a few of those little thingies. So: Let's talk about this in about a year, shall we? ;-)
Stop breathing my air.

I see video capabilities in a package similar to AirPort Express in the future, definitely. Not now, though. Not too soon.