All apps ==



Well it has happened again, except now all icons lead to Chess rather than TextEdit. I fixed the problem before by deleting the LS* files my ~/Library/Preferences folder as described in the other thread and that worked for a day but today it happened again.

A quick summary of the files whihc have reciently been changes in my Preferences folder is as follows
eric% ls -lart
... snipped older stuff...
-rw-------    1 eric  staff     769 Jun 10 10:23
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    1021 Jun 10 11:00
-rw-------    1 eric  staff     708 Jun 10 14:36 OroborOSX.plist
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    1150 Jun 10 15:02 org.xfree86.XDarwin.plist
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    1191 Jun 10 15:04
drwxr-xr-x    5 eric  staff     264 Jun 10 15:06 OroborOSX
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    7584 Jun 10 15:09
drwx------   33 eric  staff    1078 Jun 10 15:14 ..
drwxr-xr-x   40 eric  staff    1316 Jun 10 15:21 Apple Help Prefs
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    3767 Jun 10 15:34 .GlobalPreferences.plist
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    6296 Jun 10 15:35
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    3437 Jun 10 15:57
-rw-------    1 eric  staff   24275 Jun 10 16:19
-rw-------    1 eric  staff     427 Jun 10 18:19
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    9670 Jun 10 18:44
-rw-r--r--    1 eric  staff      36 Jun 10 22:26 User Data???TF169074
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    3792 Jun 10 22:26 LSSchemes
-rw-------    1 eric  staff  398324 Jun 10 22:26 LSApplications
-rw-r--r--    1 eric  staff    8302 Jun 10 22:26 QuickTime Preferences
-rw-------    1 eric  staff  323316 Jun 10 22:26 LSClaimedTypes
drwx------    9 eric  staff     264 Jun 10 22:26 Explorer
-rw-------    1 eric  staff     815 Jun 10 22:38 loginwindow.plist
-rw-------    1 eric  staff     874 Jun 10 22:40
-rw-------    1 eric  staff  108805 Jun 11 10:34
-rw-------    1 eric  staff   11047 Jun 11 11:29
-rw-------    1 eric  staff    1032 Jun 11 11:29
drwx------  105 eric  staff    3526 Jun 11 11:29 .

I think that opened up the speech reco stuff I don't usually use it myself. If anyone could help me trouble shoot this I'd be most grateful.

I have been able to keep going with open -a Thanks for the hint Gwailo!

Thanks a bunch,
Have you tried removing the LS* files again?

Also, what third party applications do you have installed?

And finally, have you tried creating a new user and logging in as that user? It could be something more than the LS preferences, and maybe a new user will clear the slate and prevent it from happening again (under the new user's account, of course)
Originally posted by kilowatt
Have you tried removing the LS* files again?

Not yet I am still running O.K. at the moment so I was going to leave things alone in case someone had some great forensic ideas.

Also, what third party applications do you have installed?

Fink, XEmacs, Office. Nothing reciently except for the autoupdate to 10.1.5 and the corresponding new uControl.

And finally, have you tried creating a new user and logging in as that user? It could be something more than the LS preferences, and maybe a new user will clear the slate and prevent it from happening again (under the new user's account, of course)

I made a new user and it was O.K. However I have not run for an extended time as that new user to test whether it is related to some random event.
