R retrotim Registered Dec 4, 2004 #1 I am wondering if there are any realy good alternate 10.3 Finders out there. I know there used to be but haven't messed around with ahy in quite a while. If there are, what are they? AND do you use them?
I am wondering if there are any realy good alternate 10.3 Finders out there. I know there used to be but haven't messed around with ahy in quite a while. If there are, what are they? AND do you use them?
ElDiabloConCaca U.S.D.A. Prime Dec 4, 2004 #2 Only one that I know of: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/16678 I've heard good reviews, but don't personally use it.
Only one that I know of: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/16678 I've heard good reviews, but don't personally use it.
northmendo.com northmendo Dec 5, 2004 #3 pathfinder is great i used it for awhile the only problem is i am on a g3 ibook and was alittle slow
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Dec 5, 2004 #4 there is also some adds for the finder that allow 3d browsing: FinderScape 3D-Space VFS